International Zone

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Warning: This page is currently undergoing modernization, so it may be partially out of date. Read with caution!

International Zones is an addon to the security system in Airport CEO. It introduces an new type of zone that can be accessed via International checkpoints from a secure zone. This adds another layer of complexity to your airports.


International areas allow you to process international flights. The amount of international flights you get is determined by what country you place your airport in. I you place it in, for example, the US, you won't get a lot as there are lots of domestic airports in the US but, if you place it in, for example, Egypt, where there are few domestic airports, you will get more international flights. Note: when you chose a county in the schengen zone, domestic airports count as all airports in the schengen zone. This can be disabled in the gameplay panel.

The International Zone is based on the Secure Zone, so you need to place Secure Zone before you place the Secure Zone

Passport Checkpoints

To interchange passengers get into or out a secure area, they need a passport check at a passport checkpoint. The game has two types of passport checkpoints. Staffs are excluded from passing zones via a security station.

  • Passport Checkpoint requires one (1) security officer.
  • Automatic Passport Checkpoint does not require security officers. (need "Automation" R&D Project researched)


Using queues (buildable from the object panel) makes a line-up for the passport checkpoint more orderly, but takes up more space.