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Warning: This page is currently undergoing modernization, so it may be partially out of date. Read with caution!

Flights are the core feature in Airport CEO. They bring passengers and aircraft to your airport and bring your airport to life. This article will look at how they work and how to handle them. This page is mostly about flight basics and Commercial Flights, see the General Aviation page for more info on GA flights!

Flight Basics

The basic requirements to operate flights (in this case general aviation) are pretty much the requirements to run an airport at all:

  • A open runway that accepts the flights weight class and type (Check the runway UI)
  • Taxiways connected to the stand where the aircraft were to park (With no taxiway restrictions set on those taxiways that were to disallow they aircraft's weight class)
  • A built ATC tower (People often forget about this one)
  • A stand to accept that aircraft

In the case of General Aviation, this is all that is required. GA aircraft will proceed to land, taxi to their stand, park for multiple hours, taxi to the runway, and take off. This will all happen automatically and net you some money in the process. For commercial flights, a flight must be scheduled in the planner (either by you, or the auto-planner), and then a similar process will take place, with the addition that passengers will disembark and then board during parking.

Sources of Profit

The following are the sources of profit: (Fees are paid to the airport from the airlines)

  • Landing runway fee *
  • Passenger disembarking fee (if applicable)
  • Turnaround service fees (if applicable)
  • Passenger boarding fee (if applicable)
  • Stand parking fee (paid when aircraft departs stand for commercial flights, every hour for GA flights, the main source of money in the game)
  • Takeoff runway fee *

* This is the same fee, just charged twice due to two runway uses

No matter what, fees should always be the primary source of money in the game.

Revenue Details

The airlines operating commercial flights pay the player a set amount of money for stand parking, unlike General Aviation flights where planes pay a set amount of money per hour. The amount of money paid per commercial flight varies depending on the services offered by the airport and the size of aircraft. The amount of money earned directly from completing the flight is shown in the Flight Planner screen. The commercial flights are rated through the airline class, which classifies flights based on the number of stars. The number of stars a flight is dependent on the services offered by the airport. The revenue earned through a flight will always be higher than the value stated in the Flight Planner, as money can be earned through other means as listed above. Because of this, higher capacity aircraft (medium, large) earn you more money than lower capacity aircraft (small, medium).

How to operate commercial flights

In order to operate Commercial flights, the player must first accept Contracts offered by airlines. The player must then ensure that their aircraft stand has a connection towards the terminal, whether its a remote stand or an attached stand. The connection to the aircraft stand must be in a secure zone, and the terminal must have a Check-In desk for passengers to check into their flight, a Security Checkpoint to allow access from non-secure zones to secure zones, a Boarding Desk for passengers to board the planes, and a Secure Zone Exit for deboarding passengers to leave the terminal. The player must also ensure that these facilities are operated by the staff of the airport.

Commercial Aircraft comes in both Small Aircrafts, Medium Aircrafts and Large Aircrafts. To see which airlines offer which aircraft, the player can visit Airlines to check. Small Aircrafts require a small aircraft stand to operate from, whereas Medium Aircrafts require a medium aircraft stand to operate from.