F9 Panel

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The f9 panel is a command panel that appears on the right side of you screen when you press the f9 key. You can type a few codes here. Opening and typing things in the panel will disable achievements! The panel works apparently has more functions in the build version of the game, but that is inaccessible to all players. Quote from a dev: "(the panel is) Useful for debugging stuff when you’re playing the build version and don’t have access to the editor console." Else than creating emergencies there is little use to this panel. Usage of the panel is not recommended for most players.

Code Function
Prompt incident (1-8) Spawns an active emergency. Enter the code like: Prompt incident 1 or Prompt incident 5
Test incident (9-16) Spawns an passive emergency. Enter the code like: Test incident 9 or Test incident 16
Motherlode Gives $1,000,000
set time __:__ Changes in-game time. May break game...
set date __/__ Changes in-game time. May break game...
Clear Clears panel
Rosebud Nothing... Literally Nothing. Probably did something before beta...
Cool Words (type in this word to get a response) Response
Airport yes, airport CEO is amazing!
Flight Something about not knowing anything about aviation
Hello Something about saying hi