Public Parking Lots

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General Information

Public parking lots allow staff and passengers to drive themselves to the airport and park.

Public parking lots must be placed next to public roads.

A Public parking lot has space for 28 cars.

Public parking lots can be build underground.


Construction cost = $2,500

Operating cost = $10/hr


Passengers pay a fee to park at the airport. This can be set in the Economy --> Fees tab for both short term and long term parking.


The Public Parking Lot has three configurable options (as of Version Alpha 34.6) These are:


This turns the parking lot on or off. A parking lot turned off will not permit cars to park there. Cars in a parking lot that is turned off will be immediately ejected (needs confirmation).

Passengers or Staff

This designates whether the parking lot should be open to passengers or staff. Currently (Version A 34.6) the parking lot can only accept one or the other.

Long Term Parking

This option is only available when the parking lot is set to "Passenger"

Long term parking has a different fee to short term parking. Normally the fee is lower for long term parking but the car park is further away from the terminal.

Parking Lot Name

You can edit the name of the parking lot by changing the text on the top right of the information panel.